Have Dry AMD? How ForeseeHome™ Can Help You Preserve Your Vision
Submitted by Michael J. Elman, M.D. on July 24, 2024

Living with dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) can be challenging, but monitoring your vision doesn’t have to be. At Elman Retina Group, our doctors use the latest innovative technology to help our patients maintain and protect their vision: The ForeseeHome AMD Monitoring Program.
ForeseeHome offers an easy and effective way to monitor your ocular health from your own home. Here’s how this revolutionary technology can help preserve your eyesight.
ForeseeHome: The Evolution of Home Vision Monitoring
The Amsler grid, which features a grid of boxes, is the traditional method of checking for AMD and other eye diseases like diabetic macular edema. It can detect problems, but only after vision loss has already started.
In contrast, ForeseeHome uses advanced technology to catch issues earlier. This can make a big difference in preserving your vision.
How ForeseeHome Works
The ForeSeeHome device uses advanced technology to identify and measure vision problems, like blind spots and shape distortions.
Your eyes have an amazing ability called hyperacuity, meaning they can detect tiny differences in the position of objects. The ForeseeHome device, which is just 16 inches tall and 3.5 pounds, uses your hyperacuity to detect potential problems.
To do this quick and easy test, you simply insert your head into the viewer, and infrared sensors ensure your head is in the right position. You fix your eye on the middle of the screen, and then the test begins.
The device briefly displays a series of dots to each eye, some of which are altered to create a distortion. You respond by clicking on the altered area using a mouse, and this helps pinpoint any changes in your vision.
You test each eye in turn by rotating the viewer. The test takes just a few minutes per eye. The results go straight to our vision monitoring center. They alert us right away if you have any notable vision changes.
Remarkable Results with ForeseeHome
A large study from the National Eye Institute showed that using ForeseeHome for dry AMD monitoring offers much better results than traditional monitoring. More than 90% of study participants who used ForeseeHome for monitoring had 20/40 or better vision when their wet AMD was detected.
Only around 60% of patients who used traditional dry AMD monitoring had the same high level of visual acuity at the time of wet AMD diagnosis.
Earlier detection equals earlier treatment — which means ForeseeHome can potentially help save your vision in the long run.
Making AMD Monitoring Easy in Baltimore
You can help prevent dry AMD progression through proactive monitoring, and we’re here to help. Contact us online or call us at (410) 686-3000 to learn more about how ForeSeeHome can help you.