How Central Serous Retinopathy Is Linked to Stress and Medications
Submitted by Elman Retina Group on April 10, 2022

You are probably familiar with most of the physical effects of stress on your body: your heartbeat speeds up, your muscles tense and you may feel a pit in your stomach. But did you know that stressful times may also take a toll on the clarity of your vision? In this post, Elman Retina Group’s doctors reveal the surprising link between stress and a retinal disorder that can compromise eyesight. We will also shed light on some of the medications that have been associated with retinal health problems.
Central Serous Retinopathy At a Glance
Central serous retinopathy (or CSR) is a condition in which fluid collects underneath the retina. The fluid comes from a leak in the choroid, or the layer of tissue nourishing the retina. Patients with CSR often complain of blurry or distorted vision and/or dim or dark areas in the central visual field. Straight lines may appear curvy or bent to someone with CSR.
Although the etiologies of CSR are not completely understood, retinal specialists believe that one of the primary contributing elements is increased amounts of stress or pressure. Hormones produced by the body during times of stress may be to blame for the onset of CSR. With the stress and uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is no surprise that retinal experts saw an uptick in CSR cases during the past few years.
Other Risk Factors for CSR
Stress isn’t the only risk factor for CSR that you should be aware of. CSR has been linked to the use of certain medications. For example, some patients diagnosed with CSR report using corticosteroid medications, either orally or by injecting or inhaling the drug (e.g., such as through a nasal allergy spray). Other medications, such as chemotherapy drugs, have also been associated with CSR.
If you are being evaluated for any retinal problem, including CSR, it is important to be upfront with your doctor about your medical and medication history. You may unknowingly be taking something that is affecting the health of your eyes.
Overcoming CSR
With early detection and the applicable lifestyle and medication changes, permanent vision loss from CSR is extremely rare. (Note that discontinuing corticosteroid medications should only be done under the supervision of the prescribing physician.) Many patients recover vision similar or the same as what they experienced before the onset of CSR.
Cases that do not resolve on their own or by making changes to lifestyle or medication regimens can be treated with laser therapy or photodynamic therapy, among other options. An oral medication known as Aldactone also shows potential for patients. The recommended treatment depends on the severity of the symptoms and when they developed.
The past few years have been stressful for all of us. If you have noticed a drop-off in your visual clarity, or you are experiencing other suspicious visual symptoms, CSR could be to blame. Elman Retina Group’s knowledgeable doctors urge you to request a consultation to discuss your symptoms and get help. Call or email us today.