Eye Treatments & Services in Baltimore

Also serving Pikesville, Catonsville, Glen Burnie, & Rosedale


  • Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion  Video
  • Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
  • Central Retinal Vein Occlusion   Video
  • Choroidal Neovascularization
  • Diabetic Retinopathy  Video
  • Endophthalmitis
  • Epiretinal Membranes  Video
  • Ischemic Optic Neuropathy
  • Macular Degeneration  Video 1  Video 2
  • Macular Edema
  • Macular Holes  Video
  • Ocular Trauma
  • Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy
  • Retinal Detachment  Video 1  Video 2  Video 3 Video 4
  • Retinal Laser Treatment
  • Retinal Tears and Holes Video 1  Video 2
  • Retinal Vascular Occlusion
  • Retinopathy of Prematurity

Therapeutic and Diagnostic Services

  • Fluorescein Angiography  Video
  • Fundus Photography
  • Humphrey Visual Field
  • Intravitreal Injections of Medication
  • Laser Surgery
  • Optical Coherence Tomography
  • Photodynamic Therapy
  • Thrombolytic Therapy
  • Ultrasonography
  • Vitreo-Retinal Microsurgery

Fluorescein angiography: Video: Fluorescein angiography is an advanced diagnostic method for retinal diseases. In this approach, our doctors inject a dye into an arm or hand vein. Then, they view the blood vessels in the back of your eye using a special camera. This helps our doctors detect and diagnose problems such as diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration.

Fundus photography: Fundus photography refers to the special camera that takes photos during fluorescein angiography. The camera is technically a microscope that can capture the most detailed images possible of the retina, optic disc, and blood vessels in the back of your eye. It’s an important diagnostic tool for many eye diseases.

Humphrey visual field test: The Humphrey visual field test measures your field of vision. It helps detect problems with your peripheral (side) vision and can pinpoint blind spots in your visual field. During the test, you peer into a machine and press a button each time you see a light flash. This information can help our doctors see what you see and can lead to early diagnosis of diseases like glaucoma. This test is also used to monitor eye disease.

Intravitreal injections of medication: During intravitreal injections, our doctors use an ultrathin needle to precisely deliver medication directly into the eye. Examples include anti-VEGF drugs that slow or stop unhealthy blood vessel growth in the retina and anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce inflammation. These injections treat conditions such as wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), diabetic macular edema, cystoid macular edema, and retinal vein occlusion.

Laser surgery: Laser surgery uses highly focused light energy to help repair damage within the eyes. Our doctors often use this approach to surgery to treat diabetic retinopathy, narrow-angle glaucoma, and retinal tears.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT): OCT is an imaging test that uses light waves to capture cross-section pictures of your retina. These high-resolution images can help our doctors identify subtle changes in your eye in their early stages, even before symptoms start. This can lead to early diagnosis of macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma.

Photodynamic therapy: Blending light-activated medications and laser therapy, photodynamic therapy treats wet AMD by causing clotting and sealing of unhealthy blood vessels in the eye. In addition, photodynamic therapy can treat the advanced stage of diabetic retinopathy (proliferative stage) by closing abnormal blood vessels.

Thrombolytic therapy: Thrombolytic therapy rapidly dissolves blood clots in the eye’s blood vessels. It’s used to treat conditions like central retinal vein occlusion, in which blood flow to your retina is cut off. Thrombolytic therapy helps improve blood flow so your retinas can function normally again.

Ultrasonography: A common imaging method, ultrasonography uses painless, noninvasive sound waves to generate detailed images of the eye’s structures. Our doctors often use ultrasonography to diagnose and monitor retinal diseases.

Vitreoretinal microsurgery: A highly delicate procedure, vitreoretinal microsurgery treats problems within the retina and vitreous body (the gel within the eye). This advanced surgical technique involves using miniature surgical tools and a powerful microscope to make precise repairs like scar tissue removal, or restoration of holes in the retina (macular holes), or retinal detachment repairs.

Retina Health Fact SheetLearn About Retinal Diseases and ConditionsThe Retina Health Fact Sheet Series, from the Foundation of the American Society of Retina Specialists, offers condition-specific webpages and printable facts sheets on more than 35 retinal conditions.

The series is written and illustrated by medical experts and offers select titles in large print and Spanish.

Select a condition from the title listing on the right for information on:

  • Symptoms and risk factors
  • Diagnostic testing
  • Treatment and prognoses